The One with the Day

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The One with the Day

today I…

…had an orange strawberry smoothie.
…made homemade tortillas and they turned out wonderfully.  (That is going to be a great substitute for crackers and bread when I need a carb base for toppings of various kinds.)
…fell in love with refried beans all over again (these were even fat free!).
…fit all of our laundry into one load.
…rearranged two of our cupboards that were mis-matched in their contents.
…turned the heat down 2 more degrees (Now it’s at 63).
finished reading book four–Breaking Dawn–of the Twilight series.  (I read these books as a means of connecting with many of my youth who seem to have been swept away by them.  The first 3 books were a little slow in developing for my taste, but they had enough intrigue to keep me reading.  I’m glad I did because BD wiped the floor with books 1-3.  So yeah, I read 2,560 pages in the last few weeks.  That’s a pretty big deal for me.  I love to read, but that’s alot of pages. :D) 
…stayed in super comfy clothes all day long (sweat pants. zip up hoodie.  And I would never inform you of the fact that they happen to be the same color.  Nope.  Because then I would be admitting that I look like some one in one of those matching sweatsuits from the 80s. And I don’t.) 
…missed (and am missing) the peanut butter to my jelly (Translation for those of you who think I am just obsessed with peanut butter–which I most certainly am not [YEAH RIGHT!  It’s not like I have a stockpile in a cupboard designated at “the peanut butter cupboard”]:  Kevin’s Mondays mean he’s gone from 7am-10pm and I miss him.) 

One thought on “The One with the Day

  1. if there was a text way of sticking my bottom lip out I would… :P that’s probably the closest thing – but I do feel your pain – I hate days when I don’t see my Nick!!!

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