The One with the Generational Mother’s Day

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The One with the Generational Mother’s Day

To the women who went before me, mentored me, loved me, disciplined me, cherished me, encouraged me, strengthened me, and supported me, thank you
I love you, Mom. You’re amazing beyond words–and I need you more and more the older I get. 
Grams, I love you like crazy. You make me laugh hysterically. You’ve kept in such close contact with me these past few years thanks to email and I’ve loved developing a deep relationship with you. You show me a picture of who I’m going to be in 50 years–and I LOVE it. :D 
And Gramma Mary, you are the spunkiest 87 year old that ever lived. I hope I have that much life and energy left in me some day. You’ve been a huge part of my life and I will never forget our game nights, our silly sleepovers, and our good talks. I love you. 

2 thoughts on “The One with the Generational Mother’s Day

  1. Thank you for those kind words, Melanie. I am calling Gramma Mary now to read her your blog, as she's not quite into the computer world. Love, Mom

  2. Melanie…you are so sweet here as you honor your mom and grandma's.Thanks for sharing the pictures of your special mom and grandma's with you.You may call yourself Adorkable…but I think you are Adorable!Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

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