The One with Unnecessary Busyness

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The One with Unnecessary Busyness

I’m not so good at slowing down. In fact, I stink at it. Kevin is always trying to convince me to sit down, chill out, and do nothing. But the thought of doing nothing is like torture to me. I don’t necessarily think that’s a good thing. Sure, it can be. But it also has the potential for leading to exhaustion and overachieving. *sigh* Most evenings, I enjoy sitting down with my favorite television show and a snack to relax. But I typically have my netbook open as I write youth group newsletters, plan events, create headers, blog, edit pictures, send emails, et cetera. OR I’m working on a new necklace creation or reading a magazine or trying to find the best deals for my upcoming grocery shopping trip. 
But doing nothing is just unheard of. 
During those rare times when I resolve to set aside responsibility and experience a real break, it takes me a good hour or two to get everything cleared off and cleaned up. If my counters are full of miscellaneous papers, books, food items, dirty dishes, and crumbs, they need to be taken care of before I feel like I deserve the right to take a load off. 
So when Kevin announced we were going to be taking these couple days off to really do nothing I kind of freaked. I did manage to sleep in until 8am this morning–glory!–but then I worked until 1pm cleaning and organizing our Christmas loot, doing laundry, balancing finances, and cleaning thousands of plastic containers that once held 20 dozen cookies. I am now sitting on the couch, typing away on my netbook that is balancing on my sleeping Butter ball* enjoying the scent of the burning Cinnamon Pecan Swirl candle from my parents, while eating Christmas candy, watching Seinfeld and enjoying the company of my husband (who has moved his desk into the living so we can veg together for these days.) 
*the cat, for those of you who would like to think I’m implying my husband is a butterball. He’s not thankyouverymuch. 
I know I’m insane. I know it’s not all that healthy. I know when our family expands, it won’t work this way. But for now, I’m going to keep things clean and enjoy my neurotic lifestyle. I’m sure I’ll reference this post at some point in the future. 
But you needn’t worry. Jesus is working on me. See here

3 thoughts on “The One with Unnecessary Busyness

  1. I feel like these words could have been typed my my own fingers too! Minus a few details! You should add the picture from sophomore year… the last time you "did nothing"!

  2. I'm actually really good at doing nothing, but EVERYTHING has to be put away and in it's place before I can sit and relax so I understand that part of it! Fun post!

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