An Interview with Kirsten (age 4)

Kirsten Grace Parenting Uncategorized

An Interview with Kirsten (age 4)

What is something I say a lot?
“That you say that I’m smart.”

What makes me happy?
Tickling you! It makes you laugh

What makes me sad?
Being disobedient.

How tall am I?
Bigger than me! Like THIS big (gestures with her hands.) I’m like that big too when I stand on the chair!

What’s my favorite thing to do?
Play with me!

What is my favorite food?
Pizza. That’s my favorite food too!

What is my favorite drink?
Water! That’s my favorite drink too!

If I could go anywhere where would I go?
To the dentist to clean my teeth and your teeth. … But sometimes it tickles me.

Do you think you could live without me?
shakes her head “no.” Then said, “Yes. Because I live with you when I’m little and live with no one when I’m big. I think I want to live beside you guys, and let the builders build my house.”

How do I annoy you?
Be just ignoring me. Oh! I know. To say, “I’m gonna ignore you.”

What is my favorite music?
I don’t really know the type of music you like. Oh! Jesus Loves Me! That could be mine and yours!

What is my job?
Doing work at church. (I asked her if she knew what people called me…trying to get her to say “Pastor” and she said, “Mel!”)

How old am I?
Three years old.

What’s my favorite color?
Black! That’s my favorite color too! On my shoes!

How much do you love me?
A LOT! (forcefully hugs me)

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