On All Things for Good

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

On All Things for Good

This afternoon, Jesus reminded me of his everlasting promise–
To be completely realistic though, I have been learning and recognizing that lesson over and over again in recent days. 
He cares about the tiniest details.
He uses our most mindless mistakes to bring Him glory. 
He patiently moves us from our lack-luster plans into His unimaginable greatness. 
It’s SO AWESOME when we recognize those moments–
those times in our days when something cool happens and then a light goes off–
this was God. 
He cares this much more me
I encourage you to take notice of the small joys in your life. 
Some good things may be realized quickly. 
The song on the radio. 
The friend you bump into. 
Other blessings may take months or even years to come full circle. 
Meeting a new friend in choir.
Sharing just one semester with her. 
One year later, she discovers you live down the road. 
Two years later, she’s become the friend you needed. 
All things for the good. 
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