On the Foresight of Jesus

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On the Foresight of Jesus

As I opened my favorite devotional (Jesus Calling) today, I read these words that went straight to my heart:
“Be willing to follow wherever I lead. Follow Me wholeheartedly, with glad anticipation quickening your pace. Though you don’t know what lies ahead, I know; and that is enough! Some of My richest blessings are just around the bed: out of sight, but nonetheless very real. To receive these gifts, you must walk by faith–not by sight. This doesn’t mean closing your eyes to what is all around you. It means subordinating the visible world to the invisible Shepherd of your soul.”
Oh, Jesus, how perfect those words fit into my spirit today. 
By now, you may have noticed the trend in the words I’ve used to describe my life. I’m giving up my rights. I’m following Jesus no matter what the cost. (Or at least I’m striving to do that wholly.) I’m no longer letting myself get bogged down with the demands and expectations this world has for my life. I’m listening closely and looking intently at Jesus as He leads me down this path for His name’s sake.
Today Jesus reminded me of these things…
…that He knows exactly what’s coming and because of that, I don’t have to even think about it. I can just follow along for the ride. And along with that, my heart was convicted–to live in this present moment–not for what may or may not come in the future. But the best, most glorious promise I was met with today was that what is awaiting me is an extravagance I cannot imagine. God has some of his richest blessing waiting just ahead. 
My job? To focus on the life He brings to me today. To be specially attuned to His voice so I don’t miss a turn. To be joyful up the mountain side when I could give in to fear, and then when I can see His plan clearly to be perfectly content and truly thankful.  
And really it all begins with thankfulness. 
I am thankful for this new day. 
Thankful for God’s omniscience. 
Thankful for His faithfulness. 
Thankful for His peace. 
Because when I pray for His peace, I’m not asking for Him to become what I need Him to be. No, I should be thanking him for being Peace and asking for the grace to experience what He has been to me all along. 

3 thoughts on “On the Foresight of Jesus

  1. Wow I really love this. So many times we hear voices coming from the church that say "work harder!", "Pray more!", "Do more God things!" But many times those things are done in our own strength. We need to rely only on Christ, and do only what He has asked us to do–no more, no less.I think you should write a devotional book. I felt like I was reading one!

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