Reflect + Reset

Confessions How To Jesus Pastoring Spiritual Disciplines Spiritual Formation

Reflect + Reset

I love spending time reflecting on what God has been doing in my ordinary life. Writing helps me process what’s going on in and around me. In putting my thoughts into words, I can pause to observe the seemingly-hidden work of God and begin to notice what kind of fruit my life is producing.

It’s so easy to brush past much of the contents of our day, isn’t it?

Of what consequence is the time we take to wash dishes or have a conversation with the neighbor? Does it really matter how much sleep we’re getting or what kinds of food we’re eating or how we spend our money? Will talking to the mail carrier or apologizing to a friend or mowing the lawn have any sort of lasting impact on the world? All of these supposedly-small moments in life are opportunities to listen to God and allow the Spirit to produce good Fruit in us. 

This practice of reflecting + resetting is one of my favorite spiritual disciplines. Two Sundays ago I drove out to a retreat hermitage to spend 24 hours in solitude. I sat with my journal and favorite pen (Uni-ball Vision Elite or Paper-Mate Flair 😀) and invited Jesus to help me look back at my life over the past few months. I checked in with each part of my life: How is it with my soul? What has been occupying my mind? How does my physical body feel? How have I used my resources (time and money and abilities)? What kinds of connections have I had with the people in my life? How has my work been fulfilling what God has asked me to do? How have I spent time playing and delighting in life? 

After writing down my reflections about each of those areas (very stream-of-consciousness style), I asked Jesus, “How would you like me to reset for the weeks to come? How can I tend to the physical needs of my body in a healthier way? What thoughts ought to be the focus of my mind? What relationships need loving attention? How can I spend time playing and laughing, delighting in the life you’ve given me?” 

My personal rhythm of life is to spend time in this practice of reflecting + resetting once a week for about 30 minutes, once a month for about 2 hours, and once each quarter for 12-24 hours. In so doing I am able to notice where the Spirit of God has been with me in each aspect of my life. Then I can respond to Spirit’s holy invitation to return more fully to God’s presence in all things.

This practice of regular reflecting + resetting acts as a sort of “growth chart.”

Remember when you were a kid and at every doctor’s visit they’d measure to see how much taller you’d grown since last time? Wasn’t it always exciting to see that line a little higher up on the growth chart? And wasn’t it weird that your body grew even though you had no conscious awareness of getting taller?

This spiritual practice of reflecting + resetting is like that children’s growth chart. In observing my life with the loving help of Jesus, I am able to see how I’ve been growing and changing to live more like He lived, to express my truest gifts (rather than keep them hidden), and to increase in kindness and love towards myself and the people around me. The growth is barely perceivable when I’m stuck in the routine of the everyday, but when I step back and observe my life, the changes are noteworthy. Reflecting + resetting allows me to see just how far I’ve come with Jesus’ help, and to express gratitude for the beauty God is creating in and through me. 

Maybe you’d like to join me in this practice of reflecting + resetting?

You could take time to pause this week and ask Jesus to help you observe the past few days or even the past month. Can you find evidence of God’s presence in your work and home? What’s your mind been thinking about? How is your body feeling? How is it with your soul? Ask Jesus what He thinks of you and how He would like you to reset for the week or season to come. 

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