The Five Dollar Tomato

Letters to My Kids Uncategorized

The Five Dollar Tomato

It’s a true story.  You see, Kevin and I thought it would be a very wise investment when we paid $5.00 for two tomato plants.  However, we only got one tomato to ripen. So it better be GOOD.  darn good.  

I’ve spent two afternoons with the lovely gentleman at the automotive shop.  Yeah, good times.  I took the car in yesterday for a loooooooong overdue oil change as well as a tire rotation.  But that’s when they discovered our front left tire was dead and needed to be changed.  He said we’d be wasting our money if we rotated them, because we really just need a new tire. So.  Instead of $20 for a rotation, we paid $85 for the tire to be changed.  Oh well.
Good News!!!  I’ve decided to spend the entire week out at family camp!  Kevin will spend Mon-Fri back in Detroit, and I’ll be enjoying the festivities, the relaxation, and the fellowship out at SBC.  It’ll be interesting not having to work at Family Camp for the first time. :)  Also, in case any of you didn’t know, my mom and dad-in-law are great! for real.  I’m really looking forward to this change of pace.
Now, I shall bake cookies and listen to tunes on our sweet iHome.
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