The One with a Winter Lemonade

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The One with a Winter Lemonade

Ways I save money.
At least they Work for Me.
Wash and reuse plastic containers from used up yogurt/sour cream/butter.
I’m constantly packing fresh veggies.
Leftovers in my wide array of reusable plasticware.
Cheese & lunch meats.
Snap It.
I feel like I’m doing a little “planet saving” when I get multiple uses out of plastic containers.
Just be sure to re-label your items.
Otherwise you’ll go crazy trying to figure out which of the five yogurt containers is actually yogurt.
Save greeting cards to use in scrapbooking.
After getting hundreds of wedding cards that all meant something I hated thinking about throwing them away.
But I was also adverse to the idea of filling my closets with cards I would look at maybe one more time in the next 55 years.
So I put them to use.
Clipped out beautiful verses.
Cut off full covers with gorgeous embellishments that shouldn’t be wasted.
And voila!
I suddenly had a large collection of scrapbooking add-ins.
Something that would have cost way too much at a craft store.
Seriously, people.
It’s called scrapbooking for a reason!
Buy cheese.
In bulk blocks.
Bulk blocks.
That’s a funny word combination.
Even bargain stores like Aldi charge at least $2.39 for 8oz of cheese.
Eight ounces.
HALF a pound.
I can’t bring myself to spend such absurd amounts.
But we love cheese.
So I wait.
Wait till I get coupons.
Or see sales adds.
We have a year round farmers’ market that is great for their coupons.
So I don’t spend more than $1.99 for a pound of cheese.
I stock up.
Buy at least 3 pounds whenever it’s on sale.
Then I cut the blocks into more usable sizes.
We don’t want it going bad in the fridge now, do we?
Then I secure the pieces in plastic wrap.
And place them in a plastic storage container or bag.
And store in the freezer for months.
Pull out a block at least 12 hours prior to use to ensure thawage.


Yesterday I received my first ever blog award.
I was so thrilled.
I must thank my lovely IRL* friend, Katie for bestowing this Lemonade Stand award on me.
Given to bloggers who exhibit great attitudes, it is now my pleasure to share the love.
*in real life

Ahem. Ahem. Cough.
It is with great joy that I, The Adorakable One, present the following bloggers with the most prestigious Lemonade Stand award.
Some of them are IRL friends.
Some have become friends via the blogosphere.
And some of them probably have no idea who I am.
But all of them are an encouragement.
So thank you, fellow Lemonaders.
You’ve been an inspiration to little ‘ol me.
Raechel:: Finding My Feet
Sophie:: BooMama
Melanie:: Big Mama
Jennifer:: MckMama
(Official award rules… put the lemonade logo on your blog or within your post, nominate at least ten blogs with great attitude or gratitude, link the nominees within your post, let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog, share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award)

9 thoughts on “The One with a Winter Lemonade

  1. i repurposed all my new baby cards by mod-podging a big, inexpensive hat box and turning it into a fun keepsake box.we save and reuse all our glass containers, too. recycling is obviously better than throwing things away, but it does expend a lot of energy.

  2. Great tips! Most of them I have also put to use. My favorite has to be the wedding card use for scrapbooking, as this is exactly how I designed my lovely keepsake album. Husband and I live in Costa Rica, where scrapbooking is not big, thus very expensive and difficult to find materials. Aside from the base background papers and a few stickers, our entire album is decorated from wedding card scraps. Thanks for sharing such good ideas!

  3. I agree with the idea of SCRAPbooking! Thats what I do! Its a great way to save souvenirs like napkins, sugar packets in other languages – etc.

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