The One with an (in)couraging Friend

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The One with an (in)couraging Friend

Today, in honor of Ministry Appreciation Month and the first (in)courage carnival, I would like to take the time to honor the selfless work of my Pastor’s wife, Pam. 
She is the most beautiful woman–from the inside out. 
Pam is an amazing example of a mother. 
Her teenage boys love and respect her. 
She encourages them and has great connections to both of them. 
She and her husband have an outstanding relationship of love. 
Their marriage is something everyone would strive towards. 
Pam does a fantastic job of leading our kids’ program at church. 
She works tirelessly at an endless number of tasks with a grace that could only come from God. 
All that and she manages to work a full time++ job. 
I honestly don’t know how she does it all, and I’m fairly certain I could never do all she’s doing and with such peace. 
But aside from what she does, she is my friend.
She’s sat me down and looked me in the eye and asked “What’s up?”
And I know she means it. 
She sees the deeper emotions in my heart. 
She doesn’t just brush past after the “I’m good, how are you?”
She wants to know and she’ll listen with complete acceptance. 
I trust her completely and have shared with her my inmost passions and struggles. 
Her life is an example and her friendship is irreplaceable. 
Love you, Pam.

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