The One with the Collage of Concerts

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The One with the Collage of Concerts

‘Tis the season for Christmas concerts! *whew* We’ve been going left and right to every band and choir concert in the state. Ok! Not, really every concert, but last night was concert number five of six.Sunday the 5th we attended a the middle school band concert. (Which, I might add, was the fastest concert either of us has ever attended. 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade bands play one after another with no announcements or applause until the very end. Twelve songs in 30 minutes. Incredible!) Thursday was a long night of a swim meet another and a band concert combining middle and high school bands with seven of our students participating. This past Sunday was crazy. We went from church to a potluck to a church society meeting to another high school band concert. Wow. Monday evening we headed to the community college for a well-done college/community band concert, and last night we traveled back to school number 2 (30 minutes away) for a middle school/high school choir concert with 2 of our kids performing. Thursday wraps up our holiday concerts with a final choir concert. 
We love music. We’re band and choir geeks. But I do believe there is a limit on how many holiday concerts one can enjoy. :) It’s a tiring gig, but totally worth it to see the smiles on our teens’ faces. Of course, their smiles may have to do with the candy treats we always bring them, but I have a feeling it might have something to do with us just being there.  

3 thoughts on “The One with the Collage of Concerts

  1. Hey if you're Thursday concert is in Milan, stop in and I will give you your pants back! I also have 2 kinds of lotions I've collected for you and some CD mixes I made…

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