The One with the Scrapbook

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The One with the Scrapbook

Once again the weather spent a few days reminding us how we strongly dislike humid heat and then decided to come back to my favorite environment–sunny with a high of 75.

Last Thursday afternoon I finally sat down and opened up my collection of scrapbooking supplies to attempt a few pages in the new wedding album. I had found my favorite background paper on SALE at JoAnn’s and decided it was just the kick I needed to get started. I figured I would do 2 of 4 pages. Instead, I ended up working from 2:30 until 10pm–with only a short break for dinner. Kevin had never really seen me scrapbook, let alone be on a such a kick, so he let me work and was happy to see my “hobby” was not just a myth. :) He humored me and has looked through my handiwork a couple of times, thoroughly praising the outcome! I finished up the remaining pages in a couple hours on Friday morning–unofficially completing my wedding scrapbook. I figure I’ll add more pages as I print some pictures I receive from friends, but until then, I feel wonderfully proud!

The scrapbook was done just in time for my little party with Magan and Betsy. The girls arrived Saturday evening and we had a wonderful time together. We had homemade pizza (the best yet I believe), french vanilla cake (delicious but almost sickeningly so near the end…), and woke up to Sunday morning pancakes. Kevin had originally planned on being in SA for the night so as to us freedom to be girly, but due to my scheduling mistakes, he would have been leaving me home alone on Friday night. I kept going back and forth–wanting him to go have fun, but being kind of scared to be alone. (I don’t think I’ve ever spent a night completely alone…EVER…let alone in the middle of Detroit.) I had given my “go” Friday morning and prepared myself for a night alone. However, when I picked him up from work, he said he had decided not to go. I was confused and when I asked him his reasoning, he said he just didn’t like the thought of leaving me home alone. *sigh* He’s wonderful. We decided to celebrate our night together with a trip to Ihop and then sundaes from McDonald’s. :)

It was great to be with the girls, and we had plenty of time “alone” as we stretched out on the king sized airmattress in the loft and watched Havana Nights (my first time) while chatting and enjoying the Q commentary we had grown to love. :)

Anyways, it’s a beautiful day and I plan to enjoy it. I’m not sure how just yet, but I’m going to.

2 thoughts on “The One with the Scrapbook

  1. That was a long post!! I’m glad to hear you girls had fun…. I had such an exhausting weekend there is no way I could have driven an hour over to hang out after our party…I wish you could luck with your list – did you put celery on it….you loose calories eating that stuff – put some peanut butter on there…. You’re doing amazingly already!!

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