The One with the Scrapbooking Winner and a DISCOUNT

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The One with the Scrapbooking Winner and a DISCOUNT

And the winner of My Memories Digital Scrapbooking software giveaway IS—
who says

I think it would be wonderful to win this giveaway, because I’m so un-crafty :( I wish I could handmake my own scrapbooks, but I tend to cut off heads, over glue pages and end up with a mess (and not a pretty one). Thank you for making this available!

I hope this digital version of scrapbooking comes in super handy for you, Jillian!  Message me for your coupon code!
But wait! 
For those of you who didn’t win the GRAND prize, there’s still a HUGE discount awaiting you!

Simply follow this link, purchase the suite and use the coupon code STMMMS86322 when you check out for $10.00 OFF the scrapbook software PLUS another $10 coupon for theMyMemories store

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