The One with Thoughts of Spring {blog partay}

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The One with Thoughts of Spring {blog partay}

It’s been quite some time since I joined in on a blog party, so when I saw Lynnette’s Thoughts of Spring {Blog Hop} I couldn’t resist. Maybe it was the title–I have spring on the brain. Every other day it’s winter then spring, winter then spring. And then the weatherman goes and tells us it was 75 degrees on this day in 2000. SEVENTY FIVE! I want that. Or at least 63 (anything over 32). That’d be great. 
While I’m waiting on the weather, I thought I’d share a little bit about me as I welcome anyone new to my blog. Thanks for stopping by! 
If you’re new here, this is me. My name is Melanie and I married my college sweetheart, Kevin, just one week after graduation in 2008. Together we lead a growing youth ministry at a small-ish church in Michigan. It is such a privilege to spend our time together–pouring our hearts into these students so that they might come to know the love of Christ. 
 (And we have a bit of crazy fun together too!)
I have a passion for leading worship. I bake an exorbitant amount of cookies. I love adding to my recipe blog. My husband and I share our thoughts on ministry and on walking with Christ at this other blog. I teach piano in my spare time. I love reading and drinking tea and watching Friends. I have recently developed a love for learning graphic design–fonts get me all excited now. I have a penchant for organization and planning events. And I hope to really learn photography.  
Besides the basics, here’s a few random answers to questions you may not have ever wanted to ask.  
How would people describe your personality? (If they could only use ONE word.) Are they right?
Adorkable. I’m a huge dork, I’m a bit neurotic about a few things, but somehow I manage to remain cute and well-liked, unlike Monica
What celebrity/celebrities would create a “Star-Struck” feeling if you saw them in real life?
Honestly, if I really admire an actor or actress or musician, it’s most likely because I’ve learned a bit about their “real” lives and I appreciate them OR it’s because I’ve watched their show for far too long and feel like I know them already. Therefore, I might be ridiculously talkative with them, truly believing they’re my actual friends. I may have a problem. 
What is your comfort food/drink?
I’m a chocolate lover, hard core. But really, anything sweet will do the trick. 
Be brave – tell us something very random and weird about yourself.
I believe there may be too many random and weird facts to list. I’ll pick a few easy ones–
I still bite my fingernails after decades of failed attempts to quit. 
I love grocery shopping. 
I fold my underwear. 
When I go to sleep I have to have the covers perfectly even and folded over me. My husband cannot stand this. 
Movies: Action, Drama, Romantic Comedy, Comedy, Documentary? What are your favorite genres?
I am a big fan of comedies. Laughing with friends and family is just plain good for the soul. I like to throw in a drama/suspense every now and again too. 
Books: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, Biographies, True Stories, Self-Help, Devotional/Study? What are your favorite types of reading material?
I am a sucker for Christian Fiction novels (oftentimes of the “romance” genre). Stories by Karen Kingsbury and the like just suck me in. 
Name one weakness of yours (confession is good for the soul).
I am way too uptight about way too many things. But I’m working on it. For instance, I don’t get irritated at the way my husband arranges the contents of the dishwasher. (I just re-do it later. ooops. That’s no good.)
When you leave a social gathering, do you wish: You would have talked more or You would have talked less? 
Every once in a while I find myself sinking back from the conversation. Large crowds really aren’t my favorite. But other times I find myself annoyed with how much I just talked. I can’t stand myself sometimes, so I wonder how others put up with me. 
If money wasn’t a factor, what stores would you shop in?
I am a thrift store, Aldi girl all the way. With a little Kohl’s 70% off racks throw in. 
What is your greatest fear or strange phobia?
My biggest fear is having people not like me or something that I’ve done or planned. 
What is your greatest accomplishment?
That’s a tough one. Immediately I think of my B.A. in Philosophy/Religion. But then my mind flits to the relationships we’ve built with these teens. And then I remember how much I’ve grown as a church keyboardist/pianist. I’m proud of all of those accomplishments. 
And that’s a wrap! I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my life and I hope you come back again soon! 


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13 thoughts on “The One with Thoughts of Spring {blog partay}

  1. I'm from the blog party, nice to "meet" you! I too am a thift/bargain shopper as well! =)Jenn @ Treasuring Lifes Blessings

  2. Melanie, you are adorable!! I love your blog; I have added it to my daily blog-site-check routine! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!!

  3. Hi! So nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I saw your comment about any words of wisdom. :) If you like, I can email you my book/website list. My best advice is to start reading, educate yourself!! Know what your options are.

  4. thanks for stopping at our blog, I saw you write on my critique partners post, Naomi Rawlings, and just had to click on the "adorkable" title. Such a fun title for a blog! I didn't know folding underwear was weird, I guess I'm weird. I haven't folded my children's underwear though, so maybe I'm only half weird? I can hope anyway. :)

  5. hi! 1 – adorkable? LOVE it!! 2. sheets perfectly laid across you as you sleep are ok. tell your husband he is wrong and we will start a pact together of perfect-sheet-folding-women. 3. hallelujah for (hopefully) guiding teens in the right direction! 4. it was nice to meet you – im a follower now! :)

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog:) Nothing wrong with being adorkable! Ha! I know I could easily fit in that category if you asked my husband:)MichelleFaith on Fire

  7. Loved coming back to get to know you more. Perhaps I'll send yu an e-mail so I don't bore everyoen here with little things I found we had in common…

  8. Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is Amy. I had planned to try and get around to reading all of these links, but more kept appearing and I have run out of time. I think these links disappear when the party ends, so since I will no longer be able to find your blog, please contact me and let me know if you are interested in me still reading your link and I can come back at another date and do so. I have throuly enjoyed learning about everyone I have read about so far and would love to know more about you too! Hope you have enjoyed the party…

  9. Hi there, found you through the blog party! Loved reading!!! We have a LOT in common – my husband and I are in ministry as well (although he's the musician – he's a worship pastor), I love to cook and have a cooking blog also – I loved your cooking blog!!, and I'm a huge Karen Kingsbury fan (Can't wait for the Bailey Flanigan series at the end of the month!!!)Nice to meet you!! :)

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