The One with Toddler Thoughts

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The One with Toddler Thoughts

Easter is my all-time favorite holiday. Not because it’s the best family traditions (although I loved my Easter baskets and my Easter dresses), but because it is the crowning jewel–the pinnacle–of my faith in Christ Jesus. Without the death and resurrection of Jesus, my beliefs are worth nothing
For that reason, I have recently become a tad bitter about the Easter bunny and the fact that the only thing kids think about when they hear the term “Easter” is CANDY! *grumbles* A year ago, Kevin was in front of our youth group sharing the importance facts of Easter. Before he began, he asked the students “What makes Easter so special?” Immediately the responses (whether in jest or not) ranged the gamut of “Easter Bunny” comments. In what can only be described as righteous anger, I exclaimed, “The Easter Bunny pisses me off!” Yes, that’s right. I said the p-word. The word I despise. The word I never use. All because of my deep remorse for the secular focus of this sacred holiday. 
It was a sacred use of the profane (if I can quote Dr. Patton of SAU.) 
That brings us to today. This morning I was working with the preschoolers in the nursery during Morning Moms Bible study at our church. I had the rapt attention of three young children and I was using the opportunity to talk about the deep worth and the rich meaning of the Easter holiday
At the end of our story book explanation, a few questions, and a “He is Risen!” coloring sheet, the four of us were continuing our discussion about Jesus dying for our sins. 

M: “Did it hurt Jesus [when he died on the cross]?”
Me: “Yes, it did. It hurt very badly. But he did that for you so he could take your sins away. Isn’t that awesome?”
M: thoughtfully “But wasn’t there any other way?”

Wow. the same question Christ himself asked–from the mouth of a 5 year old. I can’t even think of another word to add.

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