The One with Two Years at Home

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The One with Two Years at Home

I literally can not believe it’s been TWO years since we moved in our home–the parsonage. As I sit and think of what to write next, I am literally at a loss, in a fog of memories. {thinking. thinking. thinking.} It finally feels like “home,” though. For the first many months, it felt uncertain–mostly because we thought we’d be in our first apartment for years. We moved out five months later.
But five months in this house came and went. I have spent the last couple of years trying to get things “right” and I think, I think we’re finally settled. For so long things were just kind of placed here or there because they “should” be. Now, we’ve made it our own. I know where everything is. I know the dirt I find is ours (and not some previous owners.) I’ve tackled jobs I put off for the first year and a half. This feels like “ours”–not just the place we happen to be living. 
We have family over and friends. Teens are here almost every day. And no one ever seems to want to leave. I think that’s a good thing, right? We’ve made a house a comfortable home. It’s like one of those big couches that you sit in and it just swallows you up and keeps you from ever wanting to set your feet on the ground again. 
Thank you, Jesus, for providing us with this home. Help us to be good stewards of the gift you’ve given us. May be keep our front door readily open to any who knock. Remind us to be thankful, always. 


Linked up with Wednesday’s Walk. 

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