This is 11

Family Husband Marriage

This is 11

It feels just right, like your favorite sweatshirt on a cool summer evening. It kind of feels like the type of work Jesus describes in Matthew 11, easy and light. It’s still work. There is still plenty of trouble to navigate, and it takes focus and intentionality to move forward together. But doing so with the help of the Lord, we are entering the “unforced rhythms of grace” in marriage.

I guess we know how to make a year into a whirlwind of awesome and overwhelming transitions. We welcomed our second child. I was ordained and finished grad school. Kevin made the most selfless and God-honoring decision to give me the role of lead pastor while he would assume the part time role of executive pastor. (Talk about mutual submission in action!) Then he started full-time work outside of the church. And, oh yeah, we became homeowners.

It’s been the most stressful year, no question. But here we are, thriving because our roots were required to sink deeper into the Kingdom-soil to weather the storms. We’re still tired, but we look around every day and (literally) say, “I love our life.”

I love you, Kevin. Happy anniversary.

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